Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Some Great CSS Learning Tools and Resources

Offshore web development
From the technical point of view, Cascading Style Sheets works in sync with HTML. While HTML is mainly designed to sort out as well as streamline the structure of the page, CSS helps it to augment its looks, as well as add various subtle interaction levels. This is particularly important, as even if someone is technically not that sound, and has hardly any idea of coding, it will not stop the individual from designing a page. For that, there are a number of learning tools as well as resources that can be availed.

Let us discuss some of these tools.

CSS Diner
This is virtually an excellent game that is impeccably designed to help users learn the script. It is a multilevel game that will ask the users to enter the correct selector in order to complete a level and move on to the next. However, the users can also skip a particular level and jump from one level to another. There is a hamburger icon at the right of the screen that needs to be clicked to open the menu so as to perform this skip.

CSS Selectors
This tool offers a simple visualization of the selectors. The user needs to opt for a selector from the menu to the left of the screen and once that is done, all the properly selected items will come up at the right along with a brief description under the main menu.

Magic of CSS
This is a 6-chapter long tutorial that will teach the users the fundamentals as well as upcoming versions of the tutorial are expected to come up with additional chapters with some more in-depth discussions about the technicalities of the script.

Enjoy CSS
This is actually a playground to learn the fundamentals of Cascading Style Sheets that has a striking resemblance to CodePen. This particular learning tool puts major emphasis on CSS. It also and come along with a Menu, that comes in handy while choosing a particular feature and using a GUI for editing that feature in question.

CSS Guidelines
While previously Guidelines tool was a mere GitHub repo, at present it has updated itself to improve as well as expand to become a full scale Cascading Style Sheets learning tool.

CSS Triggers
This is another Learning Tool that provides lesson along with a quick reference of the property changes in CSS.

Code Guide by @mdo
This is another unique learning tool that combines the style guides of CSS and HTML with a lot of inputs as well as tips that include order of properties, attributes of HTML, comments, selectors and a number of other things.

This is, again, a simple app that helps to deal with various features of flexbox and have a look at the live or real time results, as they appear. The most important part about the tool is that there is an option with the help of which the users are able to edit text from within the box that the pages come up with. This allows them to have a look at the effects that the changes have on the content amount.

CSS Selectors
This is a relatively new tool that comes up with more than twenty videos that would introduce various ways of selecting different elements of the script.

When it comes to get started with the topic or if anyone is looking forward to improve skills, these tools and many more are found extremely handy. Hence it is highly imperative that they are checked out thoroughly. All these tools are designed as well as developed in the most perfect and seamless way so as to help the users out in learning things about the script. Hence, they are extremely organized, helpful, as well as detailed. You can get in touch with a Offshore web development company who can help you build web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.

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