Saturday, 4 January 2014

The Future of WordPress Plugin Development

Wordpress CMS CustomizationWordPress has now become the perfect trend of the current times and it is for us to see where the most popular CMS of the world is heading. After extensive researches, feverish digging and going through a fair amount of trends related to the plugin and theme development, you can identify the key innovations in the factors shaping up for WordPress in the future. WordPress is a major CMS platform in web development. It is one of the most popular and best CMS as it is extremely customizable in terms of providing wide support in the development platform. You can also improve the performance of WordPress site by adding different WordPress plugins having amazing features. These make websites SEO friendly through improved database along with faster loading to provide security.

There are particulars regarding how WordPress needs to adapt to the changing environment. The web platform including both mobile and social is now having a much greater influence on people’s internet browsing as well as content creation behavior than ever before.

How Plugins define the future trends of WordPress
Plugins are another solution like Visual Composer, that replace the Word Press post or page editor. The Visual Composer interface allows you to drag, drop or re-size various modules onto your page, each having contrasting functionality. Some of the modules are highly powerful as they help you create a completely novel page design with tweets, columns, sliders, tabs, even all of your post excerpts or everything within any theme. It is hence much more flexible than a dedicated approach of the theme.

It replaces the post as well as page editor, and it is for this reason if you make any changes, only the primary content part of your theme will be affected. The sidebar, header and footer remain entirely untouched unless you choose a blank page template. For the customization of an existing theme, Visual Composer is ideal as the theme look and feel is retained, while you change the content any way you like.

Essential Features of WordPress Plugin Development
WordPress is extensively used by bloggers as well as web designers. The current version is newly released WordPress 3.8 that helps the webmaster to go for faster and better management. Many advanced plugin versions are used to save your time by detecting track-back spam as well as comments automatically.

Many WordPress plugins for SEO optimization are easy to use as well as understand. Some of the features include:
  • Meta and link elements
  • Page Analysis
  • Creation of XML site maps
  • RSS optimization
  • Breadcrumps
  • Editing of .htaccess and robots.txt file
  • Scanning comments for spam with quick configuration
  • Highlighted links in the comment body
  • Spam and Unspam reports with information of the spammers
  • Free API key for personal websites

A revolutionary experience for WordPress on Mobile
Though it is difficult to develop blog posts on tablets or smartphones, yet the smartphone is identified as an essentially easier way for blogging out your life. The smartphone can simply take photos as well as video much easier than your laptop ever could. The only trouble with creating posts on a cellphone is with writing the text. However, voice dictation can easily solve such problem, with applications like Siri becoming far better at transcribing or recognizing voice. Once that happens, most of the content including text, photos, videos will then be created on a tablet or smartphone.

New integration with different services includes large amount of content sharing besides tweeting, liking, pinning etc. Today’s web users engage in these service platforms for WordPress to offer new tools improving the chances to share posts with other services. WordPress CMS customization teams can help you customize web app within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide WordPress customization services. If you would like to speak to one of our expert WordPress developers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

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